Play de Gex was started in September 2010 and tries to collate many of the great playgrounds in the areas of Pays de Gex, France and Geneva, Switzerland. We started it because we tend to end up visiting several different playgrounds in any given week as this is what our children, like many children, would like to do almost everyday. We have lived in this area for over four years now and so we have a fair bit of 'playground experience'. Some playgrounds took us a while to discover, however, so we thought that, in an area with such a high turnover of residents, it might be worth sharing some of our experiences. Lots of people are unware of quite how many playgrounds may be just around the corner from them. This website should point people in the right direction for what is, after all, an enjoyable and, essentially free, family outing.
We've tried to add tags to playgrounds so you can find ones that are of particular interest to you.
- Public or Private tags relate to who has access to a playground, private ones are often attached to shops or restaurants. This also includes playgrounds and play centers, for which you may have to pay an entrance fee.
- France / Switzerland says if it is in France or Switzerland.
- Best, the details of our family's favourite playgrounds.
- Picnic table, are the ones that have a proper table to sit at.
- Indoors or Outdoors is obvious.
- Finally the tags Skatepark and Table Tennis are self explanatory.
So visit the playgrounds and please feel free to leave comments about them. If you know a playground
please suggest it and we will try and visit it sometime. Given their ages our children should be good for a few more years of playground entertainment!
Steve and Jenny Traylen